The project “The Old World” is a part of a big exhibition “A glimpse of time – photographic portraits of old age and ageing”, 9.9.23 – 17.12.23, Neuhardenberg Castle Foundation, Schinkelplatz, 15320, Neuhardenberg, Germany.
The show is curated by Gabriele Conrath-Scholl and Claudia Schubert from Cologne photographic collection.

With works by Christian Borchert, John Coplans, Imogen Cunningham, Deanna Dikeman, Jess T. Dugan, Albrecht Fuchs, Katja Kerstin Hock, Manfred Jade, Evi Lemberger/Maria Göckeritz, Andreas Mader, Helga Paris, Natalya Reznik, Martin Rosswog, August Sander , Cindy Sherman, Daniel Schumann, Wilhelm Schurmann, Larry Sultan.

The exhibition includes photographs from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Using the example of the portrait, in serial projects, photographers of different generations and origins approach the many facets of the phenomenon of “age and aging”.

More information here.

Publication about the exhibition in a HeyDay magazine (in German)

From spring 2024 also on display in the Photographic Collection/SK Stiftung Kultur in Cologne.

Photos by Louis Roth / Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg.