Music, film and literature in the photo book: Exhibition in San-Sebastian, Spain, Museum San Telmo. I am very happy to be included in the show with my photo book „Looking for my father“.
Understanding cinema as the observation of an event inserted in the flow of time allows us to understand the key influence of this discipline in the way of conceiving and interpreting a photobook. Following this logic, the photographs become cinematographic shots that are sequenced to be visualised in time and space.
The construction of the sequence of photographs in these books pays special attention to rhythm and is very close to musical structure, in which logical interpretation is not as important as the play of the emotions conveyed. In the photobook, the images are edited based on aspects such as colour, tone or form to build a unitary work that, like music, must be interpreted. The action of turning the pages thus builds the rhythm of each work at the very moment of being contemplated. Each photobook acquires a duration, a particular meaning in the hands of each reader, turning each reading into a personal and unique journey.
The photographs that make up the sequence of the book are ordered with a single intention: to build a narrative to be interpreted. This succession of images often makes use of literary forms, such as ellipses or metaphors, to relate complex facts through an open visual rhetoric which is subject to multiple readings.
Curator Jon Cazenave, books from the collection of Gabriela Cendoya-Bergareche are on display till 30.10.2022
Max Eicke «Dominas». A photo book review
October 24, 2017
Jana Romanova:“Waiting”. Photo book review
December 7, 2016